What do you usually eat throughout the week? Do you often cook at home or dine out? Do you have cravings for particular types of food? Do you often eat convenience foods that are packaged, prepared, microwavable, or instant?
Often overlooked, but very important to consider. Remember that just like with our pets and infants, unpleasant digestive symptoms can be an indication that something is wrong. Do you experience painful gas, bloating, or stomach gurgling after meals? Do you have regular or variable elimination habits?
Do you have trouble falling asleep or waking up? Do you often wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to get back to sleep?
Do you lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle? Do you find it difficult to stick to an exercise regimen? Why?
Stress is such an energy suck! How stressed out are you? Do you allow yourself time to reflect and renew?