Author Archives: Sharon


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My son is snuggled up in bed, snoozing while cuddling up with his dad under our warm down duvet. Little guy turned ten months yesterday. We spent a couple hours with friends at the park by the river, watching the sun set behind the New Orleans skyline, passing around the frisbee, and dancing to electronica.   …Continue Reading

Don’t Call Me A Yogi

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In my line of work (teaching yoga), it isn’t politically correct to want to make any significant kind of money. It’s difficult to have honest and open conversations about the subject because there is an air of nobility around poverty (or close to it). Just like nuns or monks, a “real” yogi (can’t believe I   …Continue Reading

Daily Effort/Involvement/Engagement Required

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I’ve never been much of a “daily” person. Let me explain what I mean. I’m inconsistent. So when I decided that I needed to be posting on this blog daily, I was doubtful. I made the decision largely because it’s not part of my nature. It scares the crap out of me, honestly. But I’m   …Continue Reading

And Now The Practice of Yoga Begins

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I began my wellness journey — my journey to being well — while sitting in a cubicle in the earlier days of the internet, circa 2000. Sitting in this box, with fluorescent lighting humming overhead and taking much-too-frequent smoke breaks, I knew deep down that this was not the life for me. I saw my   …Continue Reading

Kitchen Disco…Why?

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Because cooking is and should be fun. Because food is really, really good. Because eating is fun. And pleasurable. And you should put speakers in your kitchen and dance around to your favorite tunes. You should also do spontaneous yoga to this music. The kitchen is the hub, the center, the business center of a   …Continue Reading