
Begin To Hope for Sourdough

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It’s been raining a lot and I’ve been in a bit of a somber mood what with all the devastation happening lately. When I go into reflection mode like this, I usually have a steady diet of tunes that I typically don’t revel in, or haven’t in many years. Somehow, Regina Spektor came to mind   …Continue Reading

KitchenDisco :: June Yoga Playlist

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Wait, I thought you said Kitchen Disco? Not yoga class…. Well, my dear….you can do yoga anytime, anywhere…including in the kitchen while you’re simmering, sauteeing and generally getting your cook on. What else are you going to do, clean? Psshh. The kitchen is a fantastic place to practice holding warrior pose as you wait for   …Continue Reading

Dark Side of the Minestrone Soup

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Taste the rainbow chard, kale, white or kidney beans, elbow macaroni, carrots, tomatoes, purple carrots, did I already say beans? How about today you pack your senses with nothing but the classics? I’ve got what you need: Pink Floyd and pasta. Pasta in soup! Brilliant! But, what? No meat? You can’t have any pudding if   …Continue Reading

Kitchen Disco…Why?

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Because cooking is and should be fun. Because food is really, really good. Because eating is fun. And pleasurable. And you should put speakers in your kitchen and dance around to your favorite tunes. You should also do spontaneous yoga to this music. The kitchen is the hub, the center, the business center of a   …Continue Reading

The Downward Spiraled Veggies

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This recipe does not contain spiralized vegetables. That shit is ridic. Sure, it may be more appropriate to have some kind of spiral pasta in this dish, but I’m here to persuade you to eat more lentils. Because they’re good and good for you. Today’s dish inspired by: The Downward Spiral, Nine Inch Nails’ 1994   …Continue Reading