How To

How I Get My Kid To Eat Carrots

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  How DO you get a kid to eat carrots? To which you should ask, “ah, how old’s the kid?” My short list: 1. Add sauce. 2. YOU have to eat it (and look like you’re enjoying it). 3. Do a song and dance number about how much you LOOOOVE carrots. 4. Don’t make it   …Continue Reading

Daily Effort/Involvement/Engagement Required

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I’ve never been much of a “daily” person. Let me explain what I mean. I’m inconsistent. So when I decided that I needed to be posting on this blog daily, I was doubtful. I made the decision largely because it’s not part of my nature. It scares the crap out of me, honestly. But I’m   …Continue Reading

And Now The Practice of Yoga Begins

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I began my wellness journey — my journey to being well — while sitting in a cubicle in the earlier days of the internet, circa 2000. Sitting in this box, with fluorescent lighting humming overhead and taking much-too-frequent smoke breaks, I knew deep down that this was not the life for me. I saw my   …Continue Reading

Don’t Be Such a Softie

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Are you American? You’re soft. Says Gary Vaynerchuck. And I agree. So how can you toughen up a little bit? Do some yoga. But wait, you may say, I thought yoga would make me softer, more woo-woo, more walk-the-middle-ground. True. It may. But more than likely it will ask you to be very painfully honest   …Continue Reading

There Is Nothing Left To Do But To Do It.

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You know how you get rando mems that pop out of nowhere and into your head? This is the time of year that I always do quite a bit of reflecting and, as I age, there are more memories that flood back to me. As you age, your friends pass away, time goes faster (it really   …Continue Reading