
KitchenDisco :: June Yoga Playlist

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Wait, I thought you said Kitchen Disco? Not yoga class…. Well, my dear….you can do yoga anytime, anywhere…including in the kitchen while you’re simmering, sauteeing and generally getting your cook on. What else are you going to do, clean? Psshh. The kitchen is a fantastic place to practice holding warrior pose as you wait for   …Continue Reading

Family Ties

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  I am REALLY  excited about 2017. I have grand plans. Which is nothing new….. It’s nice to finally be excited about my work! For so long, I feel like I’ve been towing a line, unsure of which direction to head in. I’ve made a breakthrough in just the last few weeks. I can finally   …Continue Reading

Daily Effort/Involvement/Engagement Required

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I’ve never been much of a “daily” person. Let me explain what I mean. I’m inconsistent. So when I decided that I needed to be posting on this blog daily, I was doubtful. I made the decision largely because it’s not part of my nature. It scares the crap out of me, honestly. But I’m   …Continue Reading

Mom Fitness Goals

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I just want to have a few minutes each day to stretch, ok? Yes, I would love a full yoga practice. That sounds luxurious. But, alas, that is not what I get because I have a very active and curious toddler (!). So, I improvise. Making breakfast? Bust out a few warrior poses (1 &   …Continue Reading

Make A Change

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If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make a change. – Michael Jackson, “Man in the Mirror” This is the time of year when everyone is thinking about how to better their life and live in harmony with Nature.  No, it isn’t. That’s January. Right   …Continue Reading