
The funny thing about moderation is…

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The funny thing about moderation is that sober people think you drink too much and drunk people think you don’t drink enough! How do you moderate not only what you drink, but also this little social quandary? It’s easy once you get it: It really doesn’t matter what other people think! You don’ t owe anyone   …Continue Reading

Ayurveda + Mixology? Really?

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What relevance does Ayurveda have to the cocktail kingdom? Plenty!

Holistic Mixology Workshops Coming Soon!

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Bartanica CraftLab workshops will feature holistic mixology demos and lectures. An Introductory Workshop is Tuesday, April 24 followed by a 4-week Series beginning May 8.

10 Tips for Seriously Speedy Shopping

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For years now, I’ve stuck to buying only basic, simple items from the grocery store, letting the local farmer’s markets bring me the variety and spice of life in produce that I crave.

The Redemption of Peppermint

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Now I am studying herbs and fascinated with this plant as not only a flavoring, but also as a medicine. Then add to all of this the discovery that the plant has been used in the production of many of our favorite liqueurs, including Benedictine, Chartreuse, Absinthe, and Frenet Branca.