
There Is Nothing Left To Do But To Do It.

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You know how you get rando mems that pop out of nowhere and into your head? This is the time of year that I always do quite a bit of reflecting and, as I age, there are more memories that flood back to me. As you age, your friends pass away, time goes faster (it really   …Continue Reading

Turn Down for What?

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This year marks the 20th anniversary of my grandfather’s death, whom I’ve written about extensively and on whose life and legacy I reflect often. One of the most memorable characteristics of my grandfather was his absolute hatred of TV commercials. He was usually snoozing and half-watching a cooking show with the volume blasting because he   …Continue Reading

The Difference Is In How You Feel

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One of my all-time favorite poems is by Robert Frost, the classic “The Road Not Taken.” It was put into an arrangement for choir by Randall Thompson. I sang this version back in my choir geek days. It helped me to memorize the poem and I still recite it sometimes, when I forget my way. The   …Continue Reading

My Favorite Scientists of All Time

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Today marks the 18th anniversary of my grandfather’s death. As a 15-year old, the day my grandfather passed away was the turning point of my youth. I mean, it was a huge blow. For the next several years, I explored every avenue of the macabre, read books on death and dying, immersed myself in Gothic   …Continue Reading

What makes a king out of a slave? Courage!

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It takes courage to question what others think is good for you and to trust what you know is good for you. But in the end, it feels really good to pass the test.