
The Difference Is In How You Feel

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One of my all-time favorite poems is by Robert Frost, the classic “The Road Not Taken.” It was put into an arrangement for choir by Randall Thompson. I sang this version back in my choir geek days. It helped me to memorize the poem and I still recite it sometimes, when I forget my way. The   …Continue Reading

Why Diet is a 4-Letter Word

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Dieting sounds like a total drag. I mean, I still use the word, but I’m never “on a diet”–nor will I ever be. I’m not into being miserable, which is why I made the decision a long time ago to focus on eating what tastes the best and what makes me feel good. Some of   …Continue Reading

3 Tips from Ayurveda to Balance Vata Dosha

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Is your skin starting to feel like cracked earth? Fortunately, Ayurveda’s got you covered…. ‘Tis the Vata season. As we get deeper into the cold, dark, windy weather of winter, you may notice your skin drying out, sinuses tightening, and immunity challenged. Fortunately, I have a few tricks from Ayurveda that will help keep you   …Continue Reading

6 Tips for Successful Meal Planning

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If you know you want to be cooking more at home, but haven’t found ways to make it happen, it may be time to get into meal planning. I have developed a system for keeping my kitchen organized and fairly well-stocked at all times. If you’re meeting great resistance and still dining out more than   …Continue Reading

5 Essentials to Healthy Living

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Having trouble knowing where to start…but you know you HAVE to start somewhere? Here are 5 easy ways to get on the right track towards a healthy future: 1. Get inside your mind. Healthy living begins in the mind. Becoming more aware of what you think and how those thoughts make you feel is the   …Continue Reading