
My Favorite Scientists of All Time

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Today marks the 18th anniversary of my grandfather’s death. As a 15-year old, the day my grandfather passed away was the turning point of my youth. I mean, it was a huge blow. For the next several years, I explored every avenue of the macabre, read books on death and dying, immersed myself in Gothic   …Continue Reading

The Origins of my Outrage

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Several years ago, I watched a presentation on 20/20 that highlighted the extreme poverty of the Native American Reservations in the western U.S. It was startling to me to learn how neglected this population still is by the government that slaughtered and betrayed them. The TV special focused on the rise of childhood obesity in   …Continue Reading

My Adventures in Nagpur, India (Part 1)

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Namaskar! I am so happy to be home and to have finally found some time to write down my travel experiences in detail. I hope you enjoy reading my tales as much as I enjoyed reminiscing. My recent journey to Dr. Joshi’s Ayurveda Chikitsala in Nagpur, India was a relaxing adventure. The clinic is clean and   …Continue Reading

Addicted to Change

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Have you ever considered that a cross-cultural, extremely varied diet indicates an addiction to change? Eat fresh and local. Your body and mind will thank you.

Yoga Lagniappe Interview

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Brooke Bailey and her project Yoga Lagniappe fuse the arts, culture, and opportunity together, giving the city’s health-conscious population access to everything local and yoga related in one location.