An Open Invitation to Stop Discriminating

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Can you fill in this sentence?: “I can’t drink ________, it makes me ______.”

I’ve noticed a lot of discrimination towards pretty much any given spirit behind any bar.

I’ve heard lots of absolute statements from my bar patrons, including:

“I can’t handle brown liquor. I can only drink clear liquor.”

“I can’t drink gin, it makes me mean.”

“Tequila makes me dance on tables.”

“If I drink rum, I have to only drink rum for the rest of the night.”

“I only drink vodka and only ____  vodka.”

But when I start asking questions, those with the most bold statements have very little to back up their strong opinions.

Some of them didn’t even form their opinion from experience. Their grandmother told them to stay away from gin because “it will make you mean and ruin your life.”  And, sadly, they have.

I know that all of those bottles behind the bar may seem foreign, distant, and perhaps even intimidating. I’ve been there. But consider this:

If you never try anything new, you fall into the trap of denying yourself a potentially better drinking experience than what you currently enjoy.

Another unfortunate statement that I hear a lot is: “I order vodka tonics all the time because I don’t know what else to drink.”  Is this you?

If you never branch out, you also perpetuate myths to yourself and to others about what you only think you can and can’t drink.

Why live in such a limited world? The spirits world is wide open for exploration.

This is an open invitation to stop the discrimination. If you catch yourself thinking that you “can’t” drink something, consider that it’s probably because you haven’t discovered the most delicious way to enjoy it yet.


7 thoughts on “An Open Invitation to Stop Discriminating

  1. Sid! Thanks so much for commenting. I often wonder if the mixology movement that’s underway now will inspire drinkers to slow down and enjoy rather than self-medicate and over indulge. It’s good to know that you were able to appreciate what you were drinking when you were drinking, even if it did take a while. It definitely took a while for me, too. Cheers! (We can still say that. 🙂

  2. So I don’t drink any more (what a way to start a post here, eh?) But I always enjoyed drinking. It took me a long time to appreciate what I was drinking tho. I was one of those that could drink anything and everything in the same night and be fine in the morning, but realized later that to enjoy what I was doing was to think about what I was drinking, pull it apart in my head as I was sipping and I could enjoy the craftsmanship that went into each spirit. Every craft is an art and they all alter the way you think, act and approach. Accessorizing with your beverage of choice is a fun way of branching out as well, “theme”ing your evening and accesorizing to it could be a great way of trying out that drink that normally wouldn’t go so well. It could also help make sure you don’t over do it. Another way of branching out is to talk to your mixologist. If they love what they do, they have a few secrets or tricks that they would probably love to share with the “eager drinker”. And sometimes they’ll let you try it just for being curious… Drink well, live well… Great site…

  3. @Joshua: Yeah, I hear ya. Access to tasting all that stuff is really the biggest problem, not necessarily the willingness. Hmmm.

    @Lisa: I love Bloody Marias, too! Plus, tequila adds a lot more flavor to the mix.

    @Count Hannah: Thanks so much for your approval 🙂 I agree, the abuse of a any spirit will make you mean. I’m just saying: don’t blame the gin.

    @Tim: The vomit associations are the biggies. Those will definitely shape your preferences. Ever tried soju?

  4. I am, by the by, a fan of most all booze. I used to hate on vodka for a long time because it doesn’t have much flavor and I associate vodka drinkers with d-bag insophisticates and sorority girls. However, Bloody Marys are awesome, vodka tonics are refreshing, and the occasional vodka martini never killed anyone, though I prefer gin. I also find myself drinking it straight up and imagining that I’m Russian or that it’s just really high-octane sake. It actually goes OK with Chinese food. Anyway, I’ve made my peace with vodka. I do draw the line at Appletinis and other uber-sweet mixed drinks. If I want candy, I’ll eat a jolly rancher. If want a fruity drink, I’ll opt for a mai tai or some other classic cocktail or tiki drink. Also, Jagermeister I am no longer fond of–too many vomit associations. Other than that, I say bring it.

  5. I agree with the invention of this page.
    I don’t blame someone for believing moving from Bourbon to Vodka will eventually have less of a headache. But, since you’ll drink vodka regularily…when out on the town and expecting a late sleep-in why not try something for the fun of it?
    Gin makes you mean. Right, heard it all before. But it’s really because when it’s abused you react that way. Have a “fun” gin night where you will go to 3 specific bars for gin cocktails and then go home and have a “fun” gin night instead. Not hard.
    Tequilla makes you dance on tables. Why stop?
    Same as the above…keep drinking your vodka but when the time comes to have a night on the town, have fun with a fun spirit. Start slow, never stop smiling, keep sipping tequilla and see where it leads.
    It’s fine to discriminate because of bad mornings we’ve been unable to forget…but since we;re older let’s ask professional bartenders how we can appreciate a drunk night with those spirits that haunt us;)

  6. Okay, so I don’t drink Vodka because it makes me puke. Honest, it does . . . every time. Maybe it’s like an allergic reaction or something. I don’t know. But I had to find an alternative to Bloody Marys. So what do I drink instead? Bloody Marias – tequila, no vodka with lots of worcestershire, tabasco, and veggies. Absolutely divine! Oh, yeah. I forgot to say that I learned how to make them from my mother. Mother knows best!

  7. ill try anything once if someone else is buying:) premium drinks usually cost premium prices.. and for good reason.. but its allot to gamble on to see IF you like something. i drink (quality beer to please) primarily because i got free invites to beer tasting events and had enough free beer to know what i like and why i like it.. and sure i haven’t had every ipa out there but ive had enough to tell you what its supposed to taste like and that is a important thing to know because when you get a bad one you realize its a bad bottle and don’t disregard beer as a hole.. in the same regard i had a sip of a tom collens made by luc thears while i was in rochester and it changed my opinion of the drink forever.. but again.. someone else bought the drink.. would i order one in the future.. hell yes! it was delicious!! would i have ordered one that night? probably not.. they had some tasty micro beers i just had to try!

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