The funny thing about moderation is that sober people think you drink too much and drunk people think you don’t drink enough! How do you moderate not only what you drink, but also this little social quandary? It’s easy once you get it: It really doesn’t matter what other people think! You don’ t owe anyone …Continue Reading
Now taking new clients for 2012! If you have been on the fence about trying yoga, the New Year is a great time to start. AND if you’re intimidated by learning in a classroom setting, customized, private lessons could ease you into a gentle practice at your own pace. If you are interested in learning …Continue Reading
For my entire adult life I have held the false belief that I was not engaging unless I was drinking, that I needed a drink to relax and help “take the edge off”, and I didn’t really have fun at the party because I didn’t get sick or pass out. I have never felt so alive, present, healthy, and truly authentic with the people I love the most. And in New Orleans, no less!
Ok, I admit it: I love getting fortune cookie fortunes and I always try to imagine how they fit into my life. How does this apply to me right now, or my future, as the case may be? I always ask myself. The most inspiring fortunes are taped to my laptop and I read them …Continue Reading