
Kadaife in a Snap

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So for as much as I do not like reading or writing about cocktails, I am anxiously waiting to get my mits on a bottle of Snap.  I tried a taste last week and it is exactly what I have been waiting for to make my dream cocktail, inspired by kadaife, one of my favorite   …Continue Reading

New Menu Anxiety…Conquered!

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Today is the first day of the new summer menu and I must say, it is a huge relief. Developing a new menu consumes my brainpower. Sometimes my first thought upon waking is what garnish needs to go on that new drink….or how the current one could be improved. I know I could benefit greatly   …Continue Reading

Where’s My Hossenfeffer?

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My dear friend Amy challenged me to write about one of my fondest cartoon memories and immediately the Shish-ka-bugs episode of Looney Tunes came to mind. Yosemite Sam stars as the cook who is begrudgingly in service of the vocal and hungry king. As I watched the cartoon again last night, my eyebrows raised at   …Continue Reading

What a wonderful world….

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The juicing station behind the bar at Iris faces a wall of windows that peer out onto North Peters street, just in front of the Mississippi river. The windows are lightly covered in sheer white curtains that I gaze through as I stand mindlessly juicing orange after orange, taking care to juice the grapefruits last. I   …Continue Reading

Sharon wins scholarship for independent study

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I am so thankful and honored to have received a generous scholarship from Tales of the Cocktail and the New Orleans Culinary and Cultural Preservation Society. This grant propels me into a thorough study of medicinal herbs and plants as they relate to the cocktail world. I will build a reference of plants, their histories   …Continue Reading