
A Taste of Honesty

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For my entire adult life I have held the false belief that I was not engaging unless I was drinking, that I needed a drink to relax and help “take the edge off”, and I didn’t really have fun at the party because I didn’t get sick or pass out. I have never felt so alive, present, healthy, and truly authentic with the people I love the most. And in New Orleans, no less!

An Open Invitation to Stop Discriminating

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I’ve noticed a lot of discrimination towards pretty much any given spirit behind any bar. Why is that?

Fundamental Friday – ABV Explained

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Last week I explained the basic difference between fermentation and distillation. This week, I want to explain more about the substance that we’re all concerned about — alcohol. So what is up with that little number that appears on the bottles of all alcoholic beverages? Who cares if something has 6% or 60% alcohol–it’s alcoholic   …Continue Reading

Fundamental Friday-Wine & Beer vs. Liquor

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Ever wondered what is the real difference between hard liquor and a beer?  They both contain alcohol, but everyone knows that you can have a few beers before feeling the effects that one shot of straight tequila can give you. Why is that? Next week I will cover the basics of ABV, or Alcohol By   …Continue Reading

Fundamental Friday-Cocktail Components

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Technically, a true cocktail consists of 1) a spirit,  2) a sweetener, 3) bitters, and 4) water added from dilution. That’s it. Juices, liqueurs, and other mixers are called modifiers in the mixology world. With this definition, perhaps many of the drinks that you call cocktails aren’t really. You know what? It doesn’t really matter   …Continue Reading